Expert Opinions

Primacea interviews with experts in the medical field are available via the links below.

Dr. Gary Ansel focuses on wound healing in limb salvage

Dr. Gary M. Ansel, Director, Center for Critical Limb Care, Riverside Methodist Hospital, discusses below-the-knee interventions with Primacea. Ansel asks for stiffer wires to improve below-the-knee interventions.

Dr. Tony Das addresses below-the-knee interventions

Dr. Tony S. Das, Director of Peripheral Interventions, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, discusses wound healing and patency in below-the-knee interventions with Primacea. Das calls for development of devices to traverse long total occlusions.

Dr. Michael R. Jaff discusses on-label versus off-label use

Dr. Michael R. Jaff, Medical Director of the Vascular Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, discusses the impact of on-label use and hospital purchasing policies on device selection by physicians with Primacea Data Solutions at VIVA10. Jaff explains that physician inputs and clinical data are needed to determine the best therapies for patients.

Attorney Steve Cagnetta advises physician consultants

Steve Cagnetta, Primacea's Chief Counsel, explains at VIVA 10 that physicians need legal representation and compliance systems when they consult with industry.